Vladimir Tytla Celebration- Part 4
Was this the work of Tytla alone or he was helped by other artists, like Carlo Vinci? (Translation: Mr. Knight, I need your help!).
However, this is another amazing piece of animation!
And look at the care for details!
The evils feline's eyes are green, but when it turns into a green monster his eyes turns bloody red!
For you pure enjoyement, here you have pictures from "Mighty Mouse meets Jekyll and Hyde cat".

Gee, the fate of the villains in the early Mighty Mouse cartoons....

A Duck Dodgers Presentation
Oh, and it's even when Mighty Mouse had the blue & red costume. Nice!
8:54 pm
Now this cartoon reminds me of the great Queen turing into hag sequence from Snow White (Tytla animated the queen, right?).
8:55 pm
Villians always have the best transformation sequences in Classic Cartoons. Modern Cartoons have done nothing to diminish that.
10:00 pm
Tytla is a master at horrific creatures and their transformations..i love the hands, I'm pretty much curious about Harald Siepermann's comment on this particular detail..hehehe!!
7:19 am
hey guys one more thing..i just discovered a little neat trick on the posted stills, try this:
It's a common knowledge to all of us that the scrollbar on the right side of our browser window helps us to view a site's contents much faster by dragging the bar up and down, now try to minimize the browser window a little smaller then start with the topmost still on the blog then drag the scrollbar downwards this will create a sort of a "flipbook" effect to the stills. It really looks great! i don't know if you guys already know this but the effect is very nice.
ok i'm shutting up now.
7:35 am
It's rare to see a Terrytoon that "good look".Tytla did a great job.
11:30 am
Is this channel a Italian channel?
I remember i France they used to show calssic cartoons with info on the "5"art.
11:37 am
it is a French channel.
but, from more than 6 years, he does not air these restored cartoons anymore.
12:10 pm
Glad to see someone else shares my appreciation for those classic Mighty Mouse cartoons!!! I hope you share more of them.
3:58 pm
Wow. This is really amazing (and scary). I've never watched this before! I watched some Mighty mouse as a kid but it is very difficult to find today, at least in Spain. From what I found in the internet the art was a lot better than I remembered, even though the stories were generally a little dull (they include sexy details and scary stuff, yes, but they were esentially action stuff following the same formula over and over...if I remember it correctly).
7:25 pm
Fascinating. The cat's transformation--crooked hands slowly revealing distored face-- is highly reminiscent of John Barrymore's transformation scene in the 1920 silent DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE.
2:50 pm
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