For what I know the episode only aired in Australia and on an Italian Fox Channel ( this latter one is the original source of these screenshots ) .
Enjoy them !

Yours Truly ,
Duck Dodgers
Blog Founder and Administrator
Andrea/Duck Dodgers here. I friendly welcome every fan of animation at my blog. The goal is to support the love and rediscovery of Classic Theatrical Cartoons from the Golden Age of Animation, keeping meanwhile an eye on Golden Age "Funny Animals" Comics as well as on modern animated productions! Every SUPPRESSED ethnic caricature to be sometimes presented here is just for HISTORICAL and EDUCATIONAL purpose and NOT to offend anyone. Stay Tooned and Enjoy the place !
Yours Truly ,
Duck Dodgers
Blog Founder and Administrator
Ca nwe get back to the classic cartoons. It's getting too edgey.( I didn't know Stimpy was a man in a cat suit.)
ReplyDeletePlease fix last post
ReplyDeleteJohn K. is a sick, sick puppy...that's probably why I love his cartoons so!! ( and don't let these other folks dissuade you from posting this'll be "classic" soon enough!!
ReplyDeleteNic Kramer said :
ReplyDeleteCan we get back to the classic cartoons. It's getting too edgey.( I didn't know Stimpy was a man in a cat suit.)
I'll be glad to do it soon .
In less than a month i'll post great reviews of many , many rare Terrytoons plus some great surprises about gorgeous looking prints of many of the Censored Eleven .
Don't you like these cartoons , Nic ?
ReplyDeleteIf you watch them only as " animation " and you do not consider the gross humor , you'll find how the cartoons are wonderful .
Every drawings is different , look at the facial expressions , it reminds of Rod Scribner's work in the Forties , in the Bob Clampett cartoons !
I agree with you that the humor is too gross for the majority of the time , but the work is marvellous anyway .
Yeah I do like these Toons. But when Games did these they were terrible. I'll give John'snew cartoons a chance though since he didn't do most those Games episodes and is a genis(even if he has a big ego).