Friday, January 27, 2006

" Angel Puss "

Enjoy some pictures from " Angel Puss " , a banned Chuck Jones cartoon .
I was surprised to see such attention to poses and facial expressions in a Jones cartoon of the Forties , because they were trademarks of his Fifties productions .
I posted many pics trying to show the best of Li'l Sambo 's facial expressions and reactions to the cat 's antics .
Look for yourselves !

Yours Truly ,

Duck Dodgers

Blog Founder and Administrtor


  1. Anonymous1:03 pm

    I was disapointed with this cartoon since its paceing was too slow(By this time Jones was doing cartoons in a more faster pace). The ending, however, was funny.

  2. Yep !

    And it's a strange thing this one of the timing !

    Lou Lilly is famous for the fastest and wildest Bob Clampett cartoons...a mistery !

  3. is it really necessary to ban these cartoons? although everyone realizes the humour could hurt feelings, but what happened to satire? anyway, to see some of the caractures today of people even drawn by their own races, if you didnt know it was drawn by an artist of the same race as the caracture, would you be offended? or maybe i'm just insensitive to anyone elses feelings but mine. who knows!

  4. Anonymous8:28 pm

    "or maybe i'm just insensitive to anyone elses feelings but mine. who knows!"

    I do. And, yes, that's exactly it.
