A Tyer's Tale
This is probably Tyer's most celebrated sequence at Terry: the animation of the cat in "A Cat's Tale" running in terror followed by mice and locking himself inside his cave (a cat living in a cave? And if he's so scared by mice why at the end he tells us that he's not scared by Mighty Mouse, showing his old fraidy side as soon as the super rodent appears tough?).
Oh well, it's Terry.
Enjoy the wackiness!

Duck Dodgers
Ah, Jim Tyer, the mad genius of animation. I watched Tyer's work in Famous and Terrytoons cartoons for decades before I knew who he was. I always knew someone had to be responsible for all this wild, insane, rubbery animation, but didn't know who.
What is so amusing --- and astonishing --- about Tyer's work, and this example in particular, is
how he could draw this crazy stuff SEQUENTIALLY in anticipation of what the final effect would be. It looks incredibly sloppy, but if viewed frame by frame, it's amply evident that Tyer knew exactly what he was doing.
There have been many great animators, but no one ever "thought outside the box" quite like Jim Tyer. Amazing stuff.
3:12 pm
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