Andrea/Duck Dodgers here. I friendly welcome every fan of animation at my blog. The goal is to support the love and rediscovery of Classic Theatrical Cartoons from the Golden Age of Animation, keeping meanwhile an eye on Golden Age "Funny Animals" Comics as well as on modern animated productions! Every SUPPRESSED ethnic caricature to be sometimes presented here is just for HISTORICAL and EDUCATIONAL purpose and NOT to offend anyone. Stay Tooned and Enjoy the place !

Saturday, July 12, 2008

"The Martins and the Coys"

As it was obvious, the whole "Make Mine Music" was indeed restored, and then they decided to cut out one of the best segments of the feature.
The reason? It's too violent, of course. Have these guys ever seen an Herman and Katnip cartoon or a Three Stooges short by the way?

See youse,



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