Andrea/Duck Dodgers here. I friendly welcome every fan of animation at my blog. The goal is to support the love and rediscovery of Classic Theatrical Cartoons from the Golden Age of Animation, keeping meanwhile an eye on Golden Age "Funny Animals" Comics as well as on modern animated productions! Every SUPPRESSED ethnic caricature to be sometimes presented here is just for HISTORICAL and EDUCATIONAL purpose and NOT to offend anyone. Stay Tooned and Enjoy the place !

Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Rare and Unknown : " Pink Elephants "

Believe it or else , I was going to post an analysis of this rare cartoon today on my blog !

Anyway , Steve Worth winned by a hair and already posted one in his own ASIFA blog !

You can even find the cartoon itself available for download !

Here is the link :

ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Archive Project Blog: Filmography: Al Falfa in Pink Elephants

In this 1937 Terrytoon , one of the funniest ever made by the studio , a drunk goat is scared by the appearence of three pink elephants . The goat runs into Farmer Al Falfa's house . The result : even the poor sober farmer is pestered by these creatures . Note how the animation of the elephants is more fluid than that of Al Falfa in the same cartoon and of the usual animation in Terrytoons .
Also , you would notice how the pink elephants in this short look very much like the ones in the celebrated sequence in " Dumbo " ( 1941 ) , where both the title character as well as Timothy the Mouse dream of pink elephants .

Running all troughout the house , the poor farmer is also victim of a business similar to the one that happened to Stan Laurel in " Putting Pants on Philip " ( 1927 ) and that would be more succesfully re-created by Marilyn Monroe in " The Seven Year Itch " .
Accidentally disguised as an elephant , Farmer Al Falfa goes along with the gag and tries to trick the elephant but they are too smart for such things .
Then our hero , like a ghostbuster " ante litteram " uses a vacuum cleaner to hunt the elephants . When he looks like he can finally have his sleep , he finds the drunk goat ( remember it ? ) in his bed . The goat hiccups , being still drunk , and soon another pink elephant appears ! Al Falfa sure will not sleep this night !

Yours Truly ,

Duck Dodgers

Blog Founder and Administrator


Blogger Duck Dodgers said...

Which are your thoughts about this cartoon , folks ( considering that you are also able to watch it on Steve Worth's ASIFA blog ) ?

5:47 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was great! My favorite part was the Cab Calloway gag. Very imaginative story line.

8:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you please load the actual video? Please don't send a link to their site as the server is broken.

11:43 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, i was looking for that pink elephant cartoon auf long time and was realy happy, finding your blog.

Unfortuenetly the downloadlink is not working anymore.

Hope someone can help me.

Thank you

7:05 pm


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