Andrea/Duck Dodgers here. I friendly welcome every fan of animation at my blog. The goal is to support the love and rediscovery of Classic Theatrical Cartoons from the Golden Age of Animation, keeping meanwhile an eye on Golden Age "Funny Animals" Comics as well as on modern animated productions! Every SUPPRESSED ethnic caricature to be sometimes presented here is just for HISTORICAL and EDUCATIONAL purpose and NOT to offend anyone. Stay Tooned and Enjoy the place !

Friday, September 07, 2007

Marty Taras' Rags Rabbit

Thanks to Larry and Thad I've been introduced to the marvellous stories made for Harvey comics by such artists as animator Marty Taras.

Here's one good example, a story drawn by Taras starring Rags Rabbit. Look at the life in these drawings!!!!

Well, I'll be seein' ya,
Duck Dodgers


Blogger J. J. Hunsecker said...

Those are some beautiful drawings. I'm just learning about Marty Taras. I really like his exaggerated animation for Famous Studios. He reminds me of an east coast Manny Gould.

11:08 pm

Blogger Duck Dodgers said...

I've started to collect non-Disney comicbooks from a few month and I am discovering lots of beautiful stories with MGM/WB/Paramount characters.

Taras' work is simply one of the best (I'm quite fond of Tendlar's stories too).
He is even better than Disney's Riley Thompson, the former director/animator who made some terrific comicbook stories with Donald, Mickey, Grandma Duck and Brer Rabbit.
Both Taras and Thompson were able to put real life in their drawings. It is almost like watching a cartoon!

8:21 pm

Blogger Thad said...

Great post. Marty is an outstanding artist.

I don't know about Thomson (who I'm not entirely fond of)... He did do a lovely looking Alice adaptation though.

9:19 am

Blogger Duck Dodgers said...

Yep, that adaptation is well done.
Thomson did a lot of beautiful stories. I'll post some example in the future.
Thomson's limitations are thhat he often used the same expressions for Donald, Grandma Duck and the nephews, like Taliaferro often did in the strips.
Thomson's Donald is a riot and graphically reminds a bit Dick Lundy cartoons' Woody.

10:43 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taras was (and still *is*) one of my all-time rave-fave idols when I was a kid. His Huey & Wendy (& everything else) was superb. I'd not seen any of his Rags Rabbit work until 1991 in reprints. Rags just *might* have been ahead of his time in print..yet, might have really reached *true* heights of glory, had Paramount/Famous/Harvey - or Taras himself - opted to do animated vignettes also..

5:12 pm


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