"The Bee-Deviled Bruin"
"The Bee-Deviled Bruin'" is one of the only two Bears short that are not on dvd yet (the other is "What's Brewin' Bruin", which would seriously deserve proper restoration).
It's a nice cartoon, not up there with the ones that are available on the Golden Collections as now, but a good entry.
But you be the judges!
As a bonus here's a nice comicbook entry featuring our trio.

I luv all the Three Bears cartoons! I just didn't like Mel Blanc voicing Pa & Junyer in "Bugs Bunny & The Three Bears" - why is he given credit for voices on this short anyway? Unless he did the sounds of the bees buzzing or something...
12:37 am
Thanks for posting this, the rarest of the 3 bears cartoons. The ending sort of frightened me as a kid, but I loved it!
10:05 am
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