Gweetings cawtoon wovews...


Before preparing my next post, let me ask you something.

It's vewy vewy impowtant to me...

in fact, I need your help! Right now!

The majority of posts on this blog have followed the usual formula:

an introduction with little bit of history and trivia about the cartoon
followed by the series of screenshots that show almost all of the principal gags, and serve as some kind of storyboard representation of a cartoon.

Very nice... but do you want to see only this type of posts for the rest of your life?
How about the the posts like
this one , or
that one , where I take a particular scene considered as an example of masterful animation, and illustrate it with a large number of sequential screenshots?

Some readers of this blog are the young aspiring animators, am I right? Would you love to make a cartoon as good as this one in some future, near or far?

Well, then you should study these screenshots carefully. I want you to copy each one of the poses and drawings that preceded. I know that's a very difficult task...

... but I trust in your abilities, and I want to help you to become the next superstar animator or cartoonist. Do you want the bigger screenshots? No problem! Click on the picture to see how big is this one.

Wasn't that wovewy??

Twank you wewy much... and now, I'll show you the beawutiful Blue Danube...



Have a pleasant weekend, folks!
does this "qwestion" count for users of Adobe Flash animators???
5:25 pm
I think both options are good - some scenes deserve close attention, and some cartoons are worth seeing complete.
Not a helpful answer, but it's honest!
6:13 pm
This animation Looks cool but I wander who did any of the scenes well.. I think the tale of the viena woods was by Rob Scribner and Elmer fudd by Bob Mckimson and Manny Gould Do you think i'm right? or wrong?
11:12 pm
It would be great if you could analyze certain cartoons that can help us improve certain skills.
“A Tale of Two Kitties,” for example, is a great cartoon for setups, while “Case of the Missing Hare” would be great for experimentation, and so forth.
Also, maybe you should do a post on rare or publicly unknown cartoons. Maybe do a post on a scene, which was done by a particular animator (Fred Moore's Girls in "Casey Bat's Again" is such an example).
Hope my suggestions help.
From an inspiring cartoonist/ artist
2:23 am
Hi Bruce,
if you research among the many posts we did on this blog you'll find many about rare and virtually unknown cartoons, made by me, Hammerson and mmm...donuts.
I'm sorry I'm not posting too much but I'm really busy.
9:09 am
would you be able to post Little Lulu in "Eggs Don't Bounce", you said on my blog that you have a restored print, which I'm guessing is from the French channel? Anyways, would you please post that cartoon? I would like to see better color. You could please, if you want to, set up a Dailymotion account to see these cartoons in action- using the French restored prints, and re-dubbing them in English via PD prints. Thad K got away with it on his account!
1:39 pm
Hi classic.....,
don't know if Thad have done it with all the cartoons but I'm working with a dear friend of mine to do basically the same thing, when time will allow us.
As for "Eggs don't Bounce" my copy is not from the French channel.
It's a restored print, in English, no TV logo.
A friend of mine gave me that copy. I'll mention his name when the post will be done----don't wait for it to come up soon. I'm reeeaaaally busy, as you can notice from the lack of updates on this blog.
6:29 pm
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